Showing: 11 - 18 of 18 Articles

How People Inside the House Can Prevent Pollution Through Air Quality Improvement

Many people spend the majority of their time inside the house. However, research has indicated that there are many health hazards associated with the air inside the house.
Many pregnant women have been affected by the air they breathe inside their house, leading to them losing their babies. Those who have health problems are at the risk of being affected by air pollution, especially in their lungs.
Many people’s air in their homes is generally five times more polluted than the outside fresh air. Air pollution …

Parallel Parenting Creation and How it Can Work in a Family

Parallel parenting is the process whereby parents who do not get along with each other or understand each other find a way of being able to raise their children together. This process involves each parent being responsible for their activities with the children without directly involving the other parent.
This process involves minimal communication between the parents directly. However, when it comes to matters regarding the children, they can communicate well with each other. Some of the issues they may discuss are the children’s health, fee payment, their…

The Growth and Development of a Child Aged 12

Children aged twelve are known to possess plenty of understanding as they continue to grow to become full adults. They begin to exhibit adequate information processing and high reasoning before deciding on a decision.
A twelve-year-old child also begins to consider other peoples ‘views and opinions before making a sound decision. They also consider people’s feelings before giving out their views regarding certain topics. They also begin to have long-term plans for whatever they intend to do.
When they continue to …

The Growth and Development of a Child Aged 16

When teenagers turn sixteen years old, they become super jovial. They get to have more freedom, get their driver’s license, and become more self-aware of what they would want to pursue in the future.
For many parents, their children turning sixteen years old can be frustrating and happy at the same time. Parents may be happy because their kids are out doing important activities and accomplishing their goals in school but may also end up becoming frustrated due to their rebellious nature.
Sixteen-year-olds begin …

Is it Appropriate to Take Sudafed when Breastfeeding?

At times, breastfeeding mothers may wake up with a running nose, making it hard for them to breathe, think, or even tend to the baby’s needs. Sudafed is used to decongest the nose, and many people use it.
Though Sudafed may not harm the baby, its side effect is that it reduces the quantity of breast milk when it’s consumed by breastfeeding mothers. Due to this reason, many doctors do not recommend Sudafed to be taken while breastfeeding.
When a mother wants to reduce the quantity of milk, their baby consumes, …

How to Remove Dead Skin Safely when Pregnant

During the pregnancy period, the body undergoes plenty of changes. One of the noticeable changes involves the skin, which is very sensitive to artificial beauty products during this pregnancy phase. 
During this pregnancy phase, the skin usually benefits through exfoliation. Exfoliation removes the dead skin in the body, and it enables the skin to be smoother, clearer, and easily hydrated.
There are usually two ways to exfoliate the skin that anybody can easily do. One is through the use of a dry brush. Anyone can …

Headache Cause and Treatment During Pregnancy

Headaches are a nuisance to many pregnant women. Headaches may arise from changes in hormones or from not drinking enough coffee.
During the pregnancy period, headaches are a common occurrence. They are usually caused by plenty of factors which include the following;

Having high blood pressure during the pregnancy period.
Having stress both emotionally and physically.

Why a Mother May “Show” before their Subsequent Pregnancy

A pregnant woman’s best moment is when they begin to “show.” This showing phase shows that a newborn begins to grow inside the body.
Some of the signs of this process may include having appetites and cravings for various foods, some nausea, and some pains from different body parts. Many pregnant women are surprised when the baby bumps come earlier during their subsequent pregnancy.
The baby bump may come during the tenth week of the pregnancy. However, there is no guaranteed time when the baby bump …

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